Nyiragongo Volcano

Basic Things You Need to Know About Nyiragongo Volcano Hiking

Nyiragongo Volcano is located along the eastern border of Congo DRC with Rwanda in the west within the Virunga National Park. This volcano is considered as one of the world’s most beautiful and active volcanoes, mainly due to its summit that forms a caldera of 1.2 kilometers in diameter holding the most active lava lake the world has.

The spectacular lava display ultimately became the catalyst for a tourist influx. This has brought employment to the locals in this once politically-devastated paradise. Touring agencies such as Karibu Congo offer special tour packages to see and experience the great wilderness first hand.

There is nothing quite like standing and watching jets of spewing lava and occasional plumes of gas ejected to the pitch-black night sky. The forces of nature erupting in one area and quickly spreading across the lava lake are beyond words of expression.

Volcano watching is at its best at night time. The cold-chilly wind may be unforgiving but the hot lava-heated air blasting gently into the thin air keeps you going. Orange-colored gas and fog rising kilometers above you are immaculately tailored. You could spend hours taking pictures or just simply watching the nature’s work slowly unfolds.

Congo is where the magic begins where booking for the planned trek takes place. The cost per person depends on the number of people in the group, porters, etc. If you like the DIY approach, you can exchange a few emails to some individuals or let the tour operator arrange this daunting task on your behalf. Knowing all the costs, fees and permits to pay for will make it a smooth sailing trek.

Since you will be spending the night up in the mountain, it’s very important to bring your own sleeping bags. Tired and sore from the long walk, you wouldn’t want to end up curling inside a thin or torn rented sleeping bag. Check your tent and sleeping bags for leaks in case you end up trekking in rainy season.

The wilderness is abundant with rare, endangered species for you to delight. All this, however, is nothing once you get to the summit to witness the awesome sight. Ascending the mountain takes about 5 hours plus approximately 1 hour rest stop. Rainy seasons bring slippery and jarring roads, so that could take longer than that. Don’t even try to wear running shoes or you’ll regret the entire trek. Hiking boots are a must here.

Ask anyone who had been to Mt. Nyiragongo, and they will tell you how special their treks were. This ought to be one of those few must-see places if you are looking for to experience the best of nature and the wild.

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